#vegetarian new popular
Sherbet is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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A really good lunch salad that feels good. A typical leftover salad.

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Beans, peas and egg are all very satiating ingredients in a salad. They also complement each other well taste wise. It is also a salad that is very easy to make. Furthermore, I got a weak spot for salads that uses a white dressing instead of a vinaigrette.

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The regular large Chinese-inspired spring/egg rolls we typically eat in Denmark are just fine, but they can not measure up with the Vietnamese. It is small, juicy and crispy at the same time. The filling tastes like a mix of meatballs and fish cakes, and the dipping sauce is filled with acid, sweetness and umami. It is also gluten free, for those who do not like the glutens.

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Most people knows the spring roll. A fried pancake filled with force meat and cabbage. It is good. But surprisingly, the Vietnamese spring roll is at least as good. Even thoigh it is the diametrical opposition of the spring roll. Rice paper instead of pancake. Raw instead of deep fried. Raw vegetables and a light meat filling instead of roasted force meat.

It is the perfect starter or a nice "light" breakfast. It's also a good way to cheat the kids to eat some vegetables. The rolls can be varied with just about any filling that suits your taste. Yet another of my favorite Asian dishes.

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Gateau marcel is a chocolate mousse where a portion of it being baked and the other part continues life as a chocolate mousse. So from the same dough you get both the bottom and topping. It's the only cake I can remember where that happens. So it's easy to make and it only tastes of the chocolate you're using. Use a really good chocolate. The cake is worth it.

I have changed the quantities a little bit from the original recipe, and then I have added a little grated orange peel as well.

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Pho is the Vietnamese version of the classical chicken meat soup. The difference is that it is more used as a "pho principle" than as a single recipe. The basic soup itself is very simple, but the content can be varied indefinitely.

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My favorite sauce from the Asian cuisine I also have copied from my local Vietnamese restaurant. Normally I get it with crispy chicken or duck. It is another recipe that is very suitable for a busy week. It takes 5 minutes to make and taste absolutely awesome. Of course it is best with fresh vegetables that have been cooked for just a few minutes, until they are "al dente", but it is almost as good with frozen vegetables.

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One of the things we all have a bad conscience about, is eating too little vegetable. When you finally remember to buy the vegetables, you get overly optimistic and buy too much. Then they just lie in the fridge and become soggy. My way of solving that, is by preparing a lot of vegetables at the same time, for example, on Sundays, so I have enough for a whole week, or at least for several days. It makes it much easier to just take out a serving of vegetables and use in a soup, or in a stir fry or other Asian dishes. In this video I describe what I do and why.

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It's a recipe I have copied from my local Vietnamese restaurant, where I've been coming for many years. It i suitable most meals and is incredibly easy to make. 15 minutes from start to finish if you are a little efficient. It has a really good strong taste and satiates well.

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Normally, white potato salad is made with mayonnaise, but I prefer a white sauce made with yoghurt and cream. It is easy to make and equally well suited for everyday dining and parties, red meat or barbecue sausages. Also, you often have all the ingredients in the fridge, so it's faster than ordering a pizza.

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Green potato salad is a good recipe if you are note able to make a gravy to go with your potatoes, or if it has to be quick meal. Oh yeah, it is also a good dish simply because it taste fantastic. You can also make it in as large portions as you have pots for cooking potatoes, and the potatoes can even be cooked the day before and put in the fridge, so it's great for parties. The recipe can be varied indefinitely depending on which seasoning and herbs you like.

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Vinaigrette is a very simple dressing. It is one of the recipes you must be able to make. It can be used for: tomato salad, lettuce salad, potato salad, pasta salad, bean salad and any salad you can think of. OK, maybe not fruit salad, but it can be varied indefinitely with spices, herbs and other condiments.

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Sauce Remoulade is a very ersatile sauce. It can be used for everything from fish, burgers, dipping sauce for fries on red steaks and as dip for chips and vegetables, if you just stir it up with a little yogurt. In short, everywhere you can use a hollandaise or bearnaise.
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I have family members who do not tolerate gluten. So I have experimented with making a good gluten-free bread. Indeed, I've managed to make one good enough that I no longer bake two different kinds of bread when I make bread for the gluten-affected. I can easily eat the gluten-free bread myself. It's not as good as "The World's Best Bread" with wheat flour, but it's still better than just about any bread you can buy in supermarkets or at regular bakeries.

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I have gotten into the bad habit of making a portion of these, that I keep in a big glass jar. That way there is always something to put my cheese or Rillette onto. They taste amazing. They are made of grains and seeds, so they are also good if you know someone who can not tolerate gluten, milk, eggs, etc. Or for people who do not eat carbohydrates. In that case you should probably leave out the fig-mustard I'm using in the picture though :-)

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The Grand Duke's salad is a bit of a love /hate thin. There are many who does not like beetroot and for those it is not a hit. For the rest of us it's a nice quick and easy salad.

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A simple salad that is especially good if you have a rest of cooked cold rice from the day before. A hit in my family.

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Nicoise is one of the great classics that you can still order at cafes and restaurants around the world. A real lunch salad that satiates very well. Nicoise is also an olive variety.

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