#vegetables new popular

Vinaigrette is a very simple dressing. It is one of the recipes you must be able to make. It can be used for: tomato salad, lettuce salad, potato salad, pasta salad, bean salad and any salad you can think of. OK, maybe not fruit salad, but it can be varied indefinitely with spices, herbs and other condiments.

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The Grand Duke's salad is a bit of a love /hate thin. There are many who does not like beetroot and for those it is not a hit. For the rest of us it's a nice quick and easy salad.

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A simple salad that is especially good if you have a rest of cooked cold rice from the day before. A hit in my family.

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Nicoise is one of the great classics that you can still order at cafes and restaurants around the world. A real lunch salad that satiates very well. Nicoise is also an olive variety.

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A simple and filling salad that can be used both as a side dish and as a lunch in itself.

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This is an even better version of potato chips. They fry better. They taste better. Just slightly acidic and mildly salted all the way through. It is basically the same recipe as regular potato chips. The only difference is that they are fermented before cooking. Basically like homemade saukraut is made

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There is no doubt that potato chips are easiest to just buy. But the uniformity of the factory made I find unattractive. So when it is gin-tonic Friday in the small home, it is time to bring out the homemade chips. And the homemade guacamole. And salsa fresca.

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Isn't it enough to just bake potatoes once? well sure, if they just have to be tender, but if you also want them to taste great, rebaked potatoes just have a bit more oomph. You simply take a baked potato and bake it gratinated/au gratin. Which you can do close to when they have to be done. They can also be made a day in advance without loosing any flavor, so they are excellent for guests.
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You have probably also had that experience. When you think that you have bought a great cookbook, and you eagerly page through it. Only to find out that it contains only one single recipe you like, but which turns out to actually be a *really* great recipe. The cookbook with the recipe for onion soup is the perfect example of this for me :-) So now that I have written the recipe here on the site, I can finally get rid of that cookbook.
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A condiment that can be stirred into sauces, stuffing and gravy, and just about everything else that is creamy in texture. makes for a much milder sweeter flavor than raw garlic. Is also great for spicing when doing sous vide.
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I looove potato pancakes, but for many years I have found it difficult to be completely happy with the ones I made. Either they were burned on the outside, or they were raw on the inside. But I finally found a trick that was necessary for complete success. every time.
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When you make a salad at home, it has a tendency to end up as Iceberg salad with tomato, cucumber and onion. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple and very good French classics to be inspired by.
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It is not as well known as the classic chicken stock, but it is just as usable, faster to make, and good to have in ones arsenal. Especially if you have vegetarian friends.
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Video recipe - whew ... nuts are expensive. But this bread has still, in a short amount of time, become one of my favorite recipes. A bread which is made entirely from nuts, grains, seeds, eggs and oil. Everybody likes it. It is particularly good for cheese, charcuterie, Pâtés, etc. But it is also good with "ordinary" spreads. Or as a snack if you cut it into thin slices and roast it in a pan with a little butter.
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I'm not much for eggplant. It's like a dry and boring version of the cucumber. Which is already the world's most boring vegetable. But if the eggplant is cooked just right, it can be really delicious in both taste and texture. Eggplant puré is one of the "good" cooking methods. Here are two different versions from both the Mediterranean and Asia. With some variations on top.
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It is a part of many recipes, but it is rarely described in depth just exactly what a "bouquet" is. Bouquet garni means "a bundle of herbs". There may be several different kinds of herbs in it. The classical version consist only of parsley, thyme and bay leaves. The typical mistake is to make it too small with to few herbs.
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Video Recipe - Basic soup / julienne soup is a simple vegetable soup which is very similar to the Italian minestrone. With a few changes it IS a minestrone. But I do usually this simpler version, and I'll just throw in whatever extra ingredients to spice it up a bit.
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Video Recipe - A tomato sauce can easily become too complicated. You can actually make one that is *very* simple, quick and extremely tasty with just a few ingredients. This simple recipe has certainly become my absolute favorite tomato sauce.
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