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Laminated bread is made by making a normal bun dough and then folding it in layers with butter in between. There are different ways to do this. Using croissants and other types of bread as examples I show here what results the different methods will yield. This should enable you to "understand" laminated bread instead of just following a recipe.
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Video recipe - If you want to make Danish pastries and desserts, there is simply no way around marzipan. I have many danes living away from the country asking for a marzipan recipe. Because you can not buy it in most places in the world. I have not been happy with the recipes I could find in the literature or online, so here is the one I have made. It took only 1½ weeks of experimentation and reading up to get it right:-S I also contacted one of the major danish marzipan manufacturers (Odense) that kindly shared some secret.
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Video recipe - You often need a syrup as a base ingredient in other recipes. The is a short presentation about how to make your own syrup. I present one basic recipe and show 4 variations that you can use as an ingredient in other recipes.
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Video recipe - Danish pastry is well known and well loved all over the world. And it is very good. But you can actually make your own danish that has an even higher quality that the one you can get from danish bakers. My father in law who is a skilled baker gave me this recipe. I have changed a few things in it though. His version used a special "folding margarine" I have replaced that with real butter, and that does wonder for the taste. But no matter what, it is difficult get a better cake than danish pastry. Which we incidently call "viennese bread" in Denmark :-S
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Video Recipe - Cheesecake is not a big thing here in Denmark. But I love it. I have been wondering for a while whether I could make it a little more simple than the one I usually make. I have been toying with different recipes and it seems that I have achieved a pretty good result with this recipe, that I now have settled on. But do try it out yourself!
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This is undoubtedly the recipe I am most often pressured to make by my family. But that's easy to understand. Who does not like the classical cinnamon buns? This is a basic recipe, along with a few popular variations.
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Video Recipe - My favorite cake when it comes to danish pastry is the "Spandauer", or as they are known abroad "A Danish". This is how you can make them at home.
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Video recipe - Some of the most difficult types of bread to bake are those made of laminated dough. Also called a viennese dough here in Denmark. Amusingly it is called "Danish pastry" in most of the rest of the world. The ultimate challenge is the croissant. It is very honest and has no filling, no remonce, no glaze or other things that can hide one's flaws. There are many ways of doing it, with different amounts of "rolling-butter", number of butter layers etc. This recipe is the one I think is the best version for beginners and experienced bakers alike.
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The Celebrations cake is one of the very best cakes there is. We often eat it at new year's eve and for weddings, communions, birthdays, etc. My baker father in law, Kurt, bakes the best version of this cake I've ever had. I got him to give me the recipe and show me a few times how make it. So this is actually his recipe.
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Video Recipe - What could possibly be better than chocolate? Chocolate whipped up with eggs to a fluffy mixture with whipped cream on top ... of course. Good in a large bowl. Good in portions. Good!
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Video recipe - It's time to bake and the cake just needs a finishing touch of something sweet. It's time to pull out the remonce. It is used for the danish cake "brunsviger", danish pastry, cinnamon buns, cake-man, pastries, almond kringle and cream buns. It's a very simple but necessary base recipe to know.
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An unusually delicious and heavy cake / dessert. Basically it is a sponge cake with 3 kinds of chocolate mousse on. The order is pie bottom, white, light and dark mousse. Hard to do!
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Video recipe - This is as classic and simple a cake as you can possibly make. Yet the result is fantastic. Almonds, egg whites and sugar. That is all. It is difficult to make anything simpler than that. But it is considered a luxury delicatesse, so this kind of cake is mostly served at special occasions in Denmark. Christenings, weddings, confirmations, anniversaries and so on.
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Video Recipe - Classic Danish/Scandinavian cake specially eaten at Christmas. I have certainly not seen it in other parts of the world. And this really IS grandmother's recipe. That is, not my grandmother, but my wife's father's grandmother. But that counts as well.
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Video Recipe - Marshmallows are a new invention that was developed in the 50's. When making your own, you can even add any flavor and color that you want. It is also a recipe that kids love to try, so it is good to do with them. It does not take very long. This is a basic recipe. You may experiment with orange or strawberry juice instead of water, or water colored with red beets, or ....
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Raspberries, whipped cream, sugar, gelatine and little else. Then you have a great cake that can be used both for dessert and the coffee table. It can also be made with strawberries if you like that better. It is also an incredibly beautiful cake.
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Video Recipe - A classic Italian cake, available in a wide variety of version. The main ingredients are the creamy mild mascarpone cheese that mostly taste like a heavy cream, and ladyfingers that are a bit similar to macaroons. I used to not bee very excited about it. Mostly because the ones I had tasted too much of coffee. So when I finally tasted one I liked (no actually, loved) the taste of, I made sure to get the recipe. I have never regretted this. Except sometimes when I'm out running:-s
A dessert you can easily make the day before serving. It actually becomes better after resting overnight.
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Biscotti means "twice baked" and is in fact a general term for cookies. The name for this version with almonds is in fact Cantucci and comes from Tuscany.
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