#sweets and candies new popular
Video Recipe - Vanilla Ice to me, is the "real" ice cream. Everything else is just decoration. I have made for many years and have tried countless recipes and methods. So I, I have finally found one basic recipe that is really good, but may be varied widely as needed. And withtime I have gotten an understanding of what to change in an ice cream recipe to make to your wish. And I'm not afraid to share my secrets.
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Video recipe - This is as classic and simple a cake as you can possibly make. Yet the result is fantastic. Almonds, egg whites and sugar. That is all. It is difficult to make anything simpler than that. But it is considered a luxury delicatesse, so this kind of cake is mostly served at special occasions in Denmark. Christenings, weddings, confirmations, anniversaries and so on.
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Recipe with video - Once in a while I felt the urge to make my own sodapop. I especially wanted to eksperiment with unusual flavours. Or try to make my own cola, using one of the recipes that are online. But that sodamachine has always stopped me. I simply don't drint enough fizzy drinks to buy one of those. But then I found a very simple recipe where yeast is used to make the fizzle. Like beer and champagne.
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Video Recipe - My own recipe for a sweet hazel-nutty-chocolate'y spread. I don't think I have to tell you what it can be used for ...
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Video recipe - If you want to make Danish pastries and desserts, there is simply no way around marzipan. I have many danes living away from the country asking for a marzipan recipe. Because you can not buy it in most places in the world. I have not been happy with the recipes I could find in the literature or online, so here is the one I have made. It took only 1½ weeks of experimentation and reading up to get it right:-S I also contacted one of the major danish marzipan manufacturers (Odense) that kindly shared some secret.
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The best thing about homemade toffee/caramels, besides the taste, is that you can make them as soft as you prefer. Even soft enough that they won't pull out your fillings :-S Also, caramel sauce is amazingly popular for ice cream. I actually thought it was just kids who wanted it. Until one day I made it for the entire family ... this recipe good for both caramels and caramel sauce.
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