#gluten-free new popular
Sherbet is the most simple ice creams to make. It takes literally 5-10 minutes of work if you prepare a little bit in advance. Of course you can make sherbet without an ice cream maker, but they are so much better with one, so I strongly recommend them. Especially the type with built in compressor/freezer.
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I know it from my childhood in the seventies. It was a classic recipe here in Denmark. But it has been somewhat of the radar for the last few decades. That is a shame since it is an excellent dessert. It is easy to make and inexpensive to boot. It is also a very good recipe to combine with other desserts. Especially if they include chocolate. This recipe is very simple, but I include a trick for pimping it up a little. Involving jelly and cake.
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Video Recipe - Rösti are made with cooked potatoes, so I use it often as "leftovers" instead of the typical fried potatoes, hash and so on. But it is an accessory that everyone likes, and it has the advantage that you can add bacon, onion, cheese, apple or fresh herb. Which promises it over the other simple potato dishes.
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Video Recipe - Crème Brûlée is *the* classic French dessert. It is an edible toy for adults. A crispy caramel top. A creamy blubbery filling. It is simple to make. Uses few ingredients, and it's always a bit of a primal show-off doing the final work with the gas burner at the table.
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A Danish cake classic. Heavy and spongy. Once again a variation on a pound cake. It's actually just a sponge cake with marzipan. But once again, it is a variation that is worth the effort.
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There are few cakes that look as inviting as Macarons. Baby chocolate "burgers" with cream in the middle. In various colors even. They are not as difficult to bake as they might seem, and they are a great addition on any coffee table. Or as an accompaniment to a dessert. Ice, panna cotta etc. My personal favorite is this version with chocolate.
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Rilette is a method of preserving meat in fat, as a kind of finely divided "head cheese". The fat ensures an oxygen-free environment that prevents salmonella and other nasty bacterias. It tastes great, and once in a while I just have to have it. It is also a great sandwich filler.
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When you mention the word "spinach" it can remove the happy smile from many a face. But it can taste really great if you cook it the right way. Like in this recipe where I put it inside an omelette. This is a dish that I eat for breakfast. It satiates for a long time. Though I am sure that the big piece of fish helped somewhat too.
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Video Recipe - A little egg, oil, acid, a bowl, and a whisk, is really all you need. But although I have whipped mayonnaise from scratch more times than I care to remember, it can still fail for me. When I do it in a blender on the other hand, it almost always succeeds. The taste and quality is the same too.
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There are many recipes of meat sauce for pasta. Most are based on the classic Italian bolognese. It's still one of the best recipes of, but there are many different versions of it online. So far as I could find out, so this version is very close to the "original".
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Video Recipe - The classic home copy of the baker truffles and rum balls. I do not like the almond extract that is traditionally used. So I use a little marzipan instead. And yes. That is grandmother Marie from the family who gave her name to the recipe. She most likely has the recipe from some womens magazine. But I do not want to dig too much into that. It is much more pleasant to live with the illusion that it has just magically been passed along by the generations.
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Video Recipe - A tomato sauce can easily become too complicated. You can actually make one that is *very* simple, quick and extremely tasty with just a few ingredients. This simple recipe has certainly become my absolute favorite tomato sauce.
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Kimchi is the Asian variation of the european sauerkraut. Various vegetables are salted and fermented with natural lactic acid bacterias. In contrast to the European sauerkraut it is made of asian cabbage and with a lot of spices. I really like the classical sauerkraut, but kimchi I can eat straight from the jar.
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Video Recipe - My own recipe for a sweet hazel-nutty-chocolate'y spread. I don't think I have to tell you what it can be used for ...
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Lamb kleftiko (lamb kleptomaniac) Is an ancient Greek dish. It is usually the one we think of as "roast leg of lamb." Rumor has it that it was made by thieving greek bandits by digging a stolen lamb into a hole in the ground filled with red-hot stones. The lamb was then covered up and they could pick up the roasted meat day. The owner of the lamb would not be able to smell it cooking due to the burial, and you the thieves would get away with it.
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American style omelette was not something we ate very often at home when I was a kid. But in many ways it is the best way to eat eggs. Unlike scrambled egg, it will be browned and get more flavor. It is a delicious little stuffed egg pocket of flavour.
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Video Recipe - Classic Nordic food. A round cake baked in a special pan, that all Scandinavians know and love. At least all Danes. Good with both icing sugar, jam or syrup. The same recipe can be used to make the small thick American pancakes you always see eaten on tv and films. You can also use it to make a layer cake with.
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Video Recipe - Cheese production seems like something dark and mysterious. But it really is not. Especially the cheeses that does not have to be aged can be easily made at home. The Italian Ricotta and its cousin, the Indian Paneer, are both very easy to make, and incredibly useful for cooking.
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When you want to be extra sinful in the morning. Or just have something crunchy on your homemade yogurt, or fruit salad, this homemade crunchy breakfast muesli is top notch. It's a recipe that is easy to change, and you can decide for yourself how much it needs to be browned. You can also decide if they want the raisins in or not. Something that kids often wants left out.
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