#dinner new popular
When you make a salad at home, it has a tendency to end up as Iceberg salad with tomato, cucumber and onion. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple and very good French classics to be inspired by.
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"Vegetarian meatballs" Yeah ok. It may be a description I have made up myself, but it is not entirely wrong. Falafel reminds me a lot of meatballs. I am very fond of dishes with chickpeas in general. But there is no doubt that this is among my top two ways to make them. Humus being the second favourite.
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The best pizza base with the large air holes in the crust and lots of flavor is undoubtedly the wet long-risen dough. It is also easy to make. Do not knead anything. But you need to start your day in advance if you need to reach it.
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Clear soup with meatballs and dumplings, is not without reason has become a classic of Danish cuisine. However, it is often a big difference in quality. Here is a great recipe. When I make soup, I plan to be used with 2 dl finished soup per person. So this recipe is for 5 people.
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Bechamel sauce is a classic. One of Auguste Escoffiers "big" sauces. It is the most simple of the great sauces to make. In Denmark it is simply known as the white sauce, but it's basically the same. It is a basic recipe that can be used for everything from pasta to fish and as a base for other sauces. It can also be used as a base in onion sauce, cheese sauce (mornay), cream sauce, mushroom sauce, curry sauce (indienne), tomato sauce (aurore) and the Baltic Sauce.
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In Denmark, like many places in the world, pizza has become one of the most common dishes to eat. There are a myriad of ways to make them, and they are actually all correct. My favorite however is absolutely a thin crust Margherita with homemade tomato sauce, basil and buffalo mozzarella ... and then maybe just a little meat ... and then just a little onion ... and perhaps ...
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you don't have to use plain old pasta as an accompaniment to your food. If you have a julienne tool, or little bit of knife handling skills, you can create a side dish with much more flavor. Various vegetables cut into long thin strips, with plenty of olive oil, garlic and herbs, taste far better than pasta and it's easy to make.
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I had never thought of the traditional danish sausage "medister" as anything special. Until I got Astas homemade version. It was different, juicy and flavourful. It kept the basis of a classic "medister", yet still managed to be much better. It was a whole new experience, that opened my eyes to the possibility that medister could be something other than the rather tasteless experience I had previously been used to.
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What recipe to use depends on how long time you have to make your pizza dough. So here's an overview of how to get the best pizza dough in respect to the time you have available. The longer you time you have, the better the crust. But you can certainly make a good dough, even in a short amount of time.
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Danish liver pâté is basically a simple saucage mix that is made from pork liver and fat. It is then cooked in a pan in a water bath, inside the oven. It is also possible to make it if you use a food processor instead of a mincer.
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Regardless of how you make a pizza dough, or which topping you want to put on it, the pizza has to be shaped and baked. Here I try to describe the best techniques behind that.
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Hamburger patties (hakkebøf) with gravy is every Danes favorite dish. At least it is a close tie as the national dish along with the "frikadeller" meatballs. We take this dish very seriously, so I have made a very detailed explanation on how to do it "right".
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Video Recipe - For me, the hardest thing to do for christmas eve was always the duck sauce. If you make it like a restaurant sauce, it will not have the correct consistency and taste the we danes know from christmas eve. So the trick is to find a balance both in the time it takes, and the ingredients you have to use. This recipe has a few variations both the traditional "everyday Christmas Eve" and the "fine dining Christmas Eve."
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There are many recipes of meat sauce for pasta. Most are based on the classic Italian bolognese. It's still one of the best recipes of, but there are many different versions of it online. So far as I could find out, so this version is very close to the "original".
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Video Recipe - A real autumn and winter classic. You have to start early, but most of the time spent is only simmering, and it takes care of itself. A stew is good basic recipe to have in your arsenal for all those "cheap" beef cuts. It may look complicated, and has quite a list of ingredients, but you use a lot of classic techniques, so this is one of those dishes you become a better cook by, and it is easy to vary.
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Video Recipe - A tomato sauce can easily become too complicated. You can actually make one that is *very* simple, quick and extremely tasty with just a few ingredients. This simple recipe has certainly become my absolute favorite tomato sauce.
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Lamb kleftiko (lamb kleptomaniac) Is an ancient Greek dish. It is usually the one we think of as "roast leg of lamb." Rumor has it that it was made by thieving greek bandits by digging a stolen lamb into a hole in the ground filled with red-hot stones. The lamb was then covered up and they could pick up the roasted meat day. The owner of the lamb would not be able to smell it cooking due to the burial, and you the thieves would get away with it.
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In his book "Ma Cuisine" Auguste Escoffier describes a variety of sauces. Together the form the backbone of the modern French-inspired cuisine. There was both basic sauces and derivative sauces. This is an overview of the basic sauces and recipes for them.
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